Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Mom Again Hall of Fame: Honoring Kinship Caregivers

Periodically, this site will post a Mom Again Hall of Fame Honoree. These Honorees will be women and men--historical, fictional, or contemporary, prominent or little known--who in middle age or as seniors take on the responsibility of raising the children of their children. People like

  • Madelyn Dunham, a Kansas-born woman who played a significant role in raising the
    first African American President of the United States, Barack Obama

  • George and Martha Washington, as in the Nation's first First Couple, who raised two of their grandchildren in the President's House

  • Mabel Eudoria White who moved to Hollywood so that her granddaughter, Carole Burnett, could pursue a career in entertainment

  • The grandparents and great-grandparents who raised Edward James Olmos, Isaac Hayes, and Willie Nelson--all of whom credit a large part of their success to the influence of the "grand" parents who raised them
Too often, the role these grandparents/parents play in their grandchildren's lives is ignored, underappreciated, or unknown. In this Mom Again Hall of Fame, I hope to raise awareness of custodial grandparents and provide role models of energy,compassion, perseverance and sacrifice for the millions of middle-aged and senior people who, at that time in life when they could be "empty nesters" take on the task of building a life for young children all over again.

Kinship Caregivers--You ROCK!

The first Honoree will be posted on August 29, 2009, on the anniversary of the birth of her son Michael Jackson: Katherine Esther Jackson

Send comments and nominations for future Honorees to jabarnes937@gmail.com.

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