Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Jury is Out

The jury is deliberating. We are on our way back to court this morning (Wed.), hoping for a verdict soon. We must leave Atlanta today either way, and may be on the road when the verdict is read. I hope not. I want to be in the courtroom no matter how it turns out.

No time to say much about the closing arguments of the last defense attorney and the lead prosecutor. Suffice to say, they were as expected. The defense attorney may have convinced the jury to acquit his client of at least some of the charges. The prosecutor gave a closing that sparked emotion in Justin's friends and family. He dramatically pointed to Josh, who was running close behind Justin that night, and said, "He's lucky to be alive and here today." The entire court turned to look at Josh.

What seemed to be a solid case now seems to have its doubters. Let's all hope and pray that true justice is done.

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